Saturday, July 5, 2008

Been Out....

I was hanging out with a bunch of friends in Cathay Cineplex playing Wii and Xbox360. It was so much fun. It was so interactive that even just by looking at people playing, it gives you so much pleasure.
My friends playing Xbox360.

We went to Bukit Timah for a barbecue, but it ended that I only went there to set up the fire. I left like real shortly, but I took great pictures of sunset there.
Another picture which I think is nice.

After eating in Ajisen, Justin and me met up with Fifi for "Hancock".
It is the second movie with a hell good twist. I believe everyone is expecting a villain to appear to beat the shit out of Hancock, but in the end it was his wife who has the same power, appeared and gave him problems. It was not his wife that is the villain, but it is like if they become close to each other, they loses their power. And you know, villains are always behind Hancock's back so he almost got himself killed.

There was a moment of time that I thought before Hancock lost his memories, he was actually quite a bastard. This goes to show not only it has a hell good twist, it is hell good teaser.

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