Monday, May 19, 2008

East Coast Park On Vesak Day

Just when I thought my DHL Balloon or Singapore Flyer trip is ruined for the weekend and I will not be using my camera. I have had a interesting Vesak day.

My Vesak Day today was intended to be a good rest at home then night basketball. However, my Secondary school friends called me out for a picnic and I wasn't given much option to refuse.
The ladies I was with.

Our first activity there was playing the poker game Dai Dee. Then we head on to our next mission of attempting to fly a kite. We score pretty badly for the first one, however we managed to get it up only at the second attempt. Myself on the first attempt.
People just have weird way of flying a kite.
Look at our findings at the beach.

Frisbee was the last activity for us! I actually went to the bicycle shop nearby to purchase a frisbee so that we can play. It took us quite a while to caught the feel of throwing a frisbee.The afternoon just seem to pass by so fast with these little activities. But I sure glad to have been given no option to refuse.

ATEC will be pressing on the back of my mind the coming day!!! Sad!!

Till then

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