Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome to Braunschweig this time.

In English, this city is called Brunswick. This is one city I ventured myself. At first sight as alighted from the train station, it was a boring sight. I was worried that I am going to be disappointed. Lucky thing is that it was just the city border.Bet you cant guess what this place is. Haha.

It is actually a shopping centre and it is a grand one.
The Cathedral of Braunschweig is awesome. This seven armed candle of Braunschwieg is of central importance in Christian Symbolism. Some of them are like the Seven Sacraments, the Seven Archangels and the list goes on. The front view of the candlelabra. It isn't Jesus on the cross. It was actually This man Victor who was known to have the holy face. The famous Braunschweig Lion, Henry.
They even had sewers with him on it. I guess it is almost everywhere in the city. The inside of another church I went. I cant remember the name though. Colourful street of Braunschweig. The Obelisk of Braunschweig. People having fun in Braunschweig.

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